
New Year, New Habits?

Decisions, decisions, decisions... It seems to be the only thing I think about these days. Choices are hard because you're fully responsible for the outcome it brings. As we get older, we're gonna have to make more choices and maybe even harder ones. Which sucks. We shouldn't be scared though, because I'd like to think that everything happens for a reason. I live by that, and I think everyone should always have something to live by, to stay grounded.

New Year's is just around the corner and you know what that means? More decisions! I'm coming to the end of my high school life next year and I'm not sure what it means to me. Should I stay in the place that I've always stayed for the past 15 years of my life? Or start fresh and move to a place - not so new - that I've also known for the past 15 years of my life? I've always liked my comfort zone and it's hard for me to let people in and out of it.

On the other hand, choices allows you to be much more independent and really show people how mature you can be (psh unless you screw up, which is me most of the time) so we should really take an advantage of it.

This year has gone by so fast, probably because I had a really great time. I wish it didn't end so quickly, though. So many good things happened and some tragic ones as well. But I must say 2010 was one heck of a year. I gave you a second chance and guess what? We're together longer than we've ever been and I'm so proud of that :) Yeah, I guess some people are not looking forward to 2011 (like me) because... I'M TURNING LEGAL (oh and we're getting closer to 2012 but that's not the point). The point is, I want to stay young forever ♥

Anyway, let's all hope that 2011 is going to be double the wicked-ness that 2010 has brought all of us.
xo, Ukibubba

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