
Old habits die hard

"List a few words that describe you."

Give me a maths equation, give me a science question and I'll do it regardless of the fact of my hatred for those subjects. But give me a typical university application question and I'm out of here. What is it that I find so difficult just to find a few words to describe what I am? Sounds like I don't know who I am, which is more or less true. Committed? Please, the only thing I'm committed to is to be committed to nothing. Sociable, competitive, artistic? Sounds better, but not quite there.

Tolerant. This is the word.

I asked my dad whether or not being tolerant is a good thing. He says that "it's good to an extent but when you start going out of your way for people, is when you should pull away and revise the situation." After this has been said, I realise that a lot of the things I do is for others. It's something I shouldn't be very proud of because then, when do I start to do things for me? Putting other people's needs/wants in front of mine feels like my nature.. Or to put it in a negative sense; an obsessive compulsive disorder. With nature, it's not something that you can easily change, which feels the same as this habit of mine. How much of this will affect my choices in the future? I know that if I don't let go of this, it will surely make an impact one way or another.

Is it too late for a new year's resolution?


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